‘New book bonanza’ continues with another 138 items just added to our stacks — including lots of new fiction and nonfiction for adults, new choices for teens, and ‘Super Happy Party Bears’ books for young readers, among others.

You’ll also find new audiobook and DVD choices for all your summer listening and viewing pleasure — from Sonic to Saul — and everything in between.

Go here to view/download the entire list, then click on a cover image for details and reserve items from your account online for curbside pick-up.

Things have also been busy over at OverDrive/Libby, where you’ll find 34 more eBooks and eAudiobooks since our last update — plus another 18,000 items to enjoy with your card (and four-digit PIN). Need help with your PIN, or getting started with OverDrive/Libby? Email Lauri at eplcollection@cliu.org or call 610-965-9284 x210.