Happy long weekend! We hope you had a chance to pick up enough books, DVDs and puzzles to fill it with good entertainment. If not, remember that our digital library is open 24/7/365 and filled with nearly 19,000 eBooks and eAudiobooks that you can read or listen to on any device — PC, laptop, tablet or phone — including 60 new items added since our last update.

On the less techie/more traditional front, we have another great batch of items for you to check out after the weekend and beyond, including new novels from Nora Roberts, Danielle Steel and David Baldacci and James Patterson. There are also new bios from Michael J. Fox and Barack Obama, and lots of DVDs for both grownups and younger viewers. New choices for kids and teens also include lots of CD audiobooks and plenty of books (the paper kind).

Go here to view/download the entire list, then click on a cover image for details and to reserve items from your account online for curbside pick-up.

If you need help getting started with digital books or logging in (use your 14-digit card number and 4-digit PIN), email Lauri at eplcollection@cliu.org or call 610-965-9284 x210.