Lehigh County is going Yellow soon, and the Friends are celebrating with a Drive-Up Brown Bag Book Sale on Friday, June 12,* from 9 a.m to 3 p.m. in the library parking lot!

Just $10 for a bag of 5+ books (both paperback and hardback) in your choice of three genres — mystery, romance, or general fiction — pre-packed and ready to go.

Due to circumstances created by the pandemic, there are no pre-orders, but these are the same high-quality books shoppers have come to expect from the Friends’ traditional book sale. There is an assortment of authors in every bag.

Bags will be sold first-come, first-served while supplies last. Cash or checks only (payable to Friends of Emmaus Public Library), rain or shine.

Mark your calendar and empty out your trunk for this special Friends’ event!

Also watch for news soon on a Drive-Up Brown Bag Book Sale of children’s books.

* Please note the sale has been moved to June 12 to allow more time to prepare while the library also gears up to offer curbside pick-up. We apologize for the inconvenience.