If you like reading or flipping through magazines, you’re in for a treat the next time you visit our digital magazine library — because the options have expanded from about 100 titles to more than 3,700 — all free with your library card!

You’ll find magazines for every interest and hobby, as well as foreign editions of popular magazines from Australia, U.K., France, Spain and more. The collection also includes many one-time special issues. You can search by genre or title, ‘borrow’ as many as you like, and keep them as long as you like. Now all you need is more time.

If you’re new to digital magazines, go here and click in the upper right to create your account with your 14-digit library card number. If prompted, choose your ‘home’ library from the dropdown list (which may or may not be Emmaus). If you need help getting started, just email us or stop in.

[Note: Although the landing page says ‘Allentown Library District,’ you don’t need an Allentown library card — just your Emmaus or LCLC library card.]