If you’re looking for something new and interesting to kick off your summer reading or add to your book bingo card, look no further than the latest list — with nearly 200 books for readers of all ages and stripes — plus a few movies, puzzles and Great Courses too. You can also peruse recent lists here and browse the library’s displays for even more ideas.

See/download our latest additions here, then click on a cover image for details or to reserve items from your account online for quick pickup at the desk. You can also request curbside pickup by email or phone.

On OverDrive/Libby, another 5 eBooks and 1 eAudiobook have been added — as well as 117 new magazine titles and the latest issues of your favorites — all available with your card number and 4-digit PIN.

For help accessing digital items, email Lauri at eplcollection@cliu.org or check out the help pages for OverDrive or Libby.